De Lorenzo is, since 1951, the Italian leading Company and among the first in the world in the design, development and production of technical and vocational training equipment.
Since that date, numerous are the milestones that have marked our history and numerous are the successful projects that they have implemented in more than 140 different Countries, always providing a highly professional service and delivering the contractual requirements.
It is well understood that the prosperity of a nation is directly proportional to the skills and the education level of its people and in this perspective De Lorenzo has given an exceptionally important contribution to the modernization of the education systems, in particular, of the so-termed developing and newly industrialized countries.
Numerous are also the technical fields in which De Lorenzo has developed individual equipment or full laboratories and the range includes, but not limited to: Electrical Engineering, Electrical Power Engineering and Smart Grid, Electronics, Power Electronics, Industrial Electronics, Telecommunications, Pneumatics, Hydraulics, Automation, Automotive Technology, Thermotronics, Fluid Mechanics and other technical disciplines which are studied in the technical/vocational Institutes and in the Universities all over the world.