TRAINING COURSES - SKILL FOR INDUSTRY AA-IAI910: Industrial Artificial Intelligence TRAINING COURSES - SKILL FOR INDUSTRY AA-ICS920: Cybersecurity of Industrial Control Systems TRAINING COURSES - SKILL FOR INDUSTRY AA-AMC720 Advanced Motion Control Course TRAINING COURSES - SKILL FOR INDUSTRY AA-CLC200 Closed-Loop Control in Process Engineering TRAINING COURSES - SKILL FOR INDUSTRY AA-INC500 Industrial Network Communication Course TRAINING COURSES - SKILL FOR INDUSTRY AA-LMC710 Linear Motion Control Course TRAINING COURSES - SKILL FOR INDUSTRY AA-ROB810 Modular Robot Cell – Programming & Commissioning – Advanced Level TRAINING COURSES - SKILL FOR INDUSTRY AA-SCA600 Industrial Process Monitoring – SCADA Software TRAINING COURSES - SKILL FOR INDUSTRY AA-SIM300 SIMATIC S7 Practical Course – Basic Level TRAINING COURSES - SKILL FOR INDUSTRY AA-SIM310 SIMATIC S7 Practical Course – Advanced Level TRAINING COURSES - SKILL FOR INDUSTRY AA-STC100 – Sensors and Transducers in Control Engineering TRAINING COURSES - SKILL FOR INDUSTRY AA-TWI400 BECKHOFF TWINCAT 2 Practical & Programming Course 1 2 →