AA-TWI400 BECKHOFF TWINCAT 2 Practical & Programming Course


In terms of professional training, both in the design of new automation solutions as well as in the process of maintenance and improvement, it is necessary to master certain notions about programmable logic controllers. In the case of Beckhoff, the automation elements present certain properties that once known, lead to efficient exploitation of the automation components. The trainee will be familiar with the programming languages  specified in IEC61131-3 as well as the parameterization, monitoring and programming software. Moreover, the course focuses on programming, understanding basic elements, and efficient operation, understanding the structure of an automation system and defect isolation.


Target group: Electricians and engineers


• Structure and functions of a programmable logic controllers

• Overview of IEC 61131-3 standard and programming languages: IL, ST, LAD, FBD, SFC, CFC

• Automation structures and communication buses (E-Bus, K-Bus)

• EtherCAT communication protocol

• Functions of TwinCAT 2 programming environment

• Graphical interfaces

• Faults simulations and maintenance work with Beckhoff equipment

• Additionally, the last day can be reserved for the presentation of the Twincat 3 programming environment


At the end of this seminar, the trainees will be able to:

• Identify Beckhoff equipment

• Use and combine different programming languages for automation solutions

• To program IEC 61131-3 compatible equipment

• Use different types of variables (local/global)

• Use simulation, test and troubleshooting tools

• Provide visualization interfaces for maintenance

• Identify and isolate communication problems

• Identify the operating state of coupled elements in an EtherCAT topology


Duration: 4 days

Note: Enrollment and participation in this course requires basic knowledge in the field